Providing for Her Family One Dress at a Time

With nowhere to live and next to nothing to her name, Razia fled from the insecurity and fighting in her own province to join the many internally displaced people who have settled in Mazar.

“I was sleeping in a tent in the hot summer months and during the cold winter, with no facilities for bathing,” she shared.

Although some NGOs brought food and shelter, her economic situation remained the same. “Our people, particularly women, were unemployed, and we did not have any skills to fight with in this situation. When the Mazar Livelihoods and Development Project (MLDP) came to our village, we started to learn many ways that we could improve the quality of our lives,” Razia said. Some women participated in MLDP’s wool spinning – women would receive some raw wool, which they could then spin into yarn and sell for profit.

Women gather for their self-help group. Where they save money, learn business skills, and discuss social problems together

Other women learned how to plant vegetables under polytunnels, which helped to feed their families, and learned about seed saving so that they could continue planting without additional cost next year.

“I took part in a six-month tailoring course,” said Razia, “and now I can take small orders for making wedding clothes.”  Razia also participated in a self-help group, which was organized by IAM. “Because of that, we save money for our future. This group is not only helpful to me, but to all of its members, who save and can benefit by taking loans as well.”

Razia is one of many women who have been a part of MLDP’s work, and despite coming from a very challenging situation, is now able to provide economically for herself.


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*Names Changed


Categories: Development