Peace is Happiness: Fatima’s Story

Another Story from our Peace is Happiness Lessons

Fatima is a student in the HemeFund Literacy Classes, and she is also learning to tailor. In addition, she is studying Peace is Happiness lessons in her classes. She has completed two units of Peace is Happiness and is currently studying unit 3.

Fatima shared: “After participating in the Peace is Happiness classes my behavior has changed. In the past, when someone told me some bad things I thought I should respond to him or her by doing the same thing bad things back to her/him. But now, I just ignore such situations and don’t think too much about others’ actions. In the past, when my brothers came home and took their clothes off but did not put them in their place, I used to start fighting with them, especially because of their socks. Now, if they do this, I give them the benefit of the doubt and assume they are tired. I give them more time to put their clothes in a suitable place, or sometimes, I do it for them.

Outside of our family, there were also some conflicts between our neighbor and his wife because of their children. Our neighbor’s wife used to be busy sewing clothes the whole day; she did not pay attention to her children and their cleanliness. Her husband had beaten her many times for this reason and had told her that he didn’t want her to work, he wanted her just to take care of their children. I talked to her and told her that if you don’t have time during the day to pay attention to your children, you can do it at least two hours before your husband’s arrival. You can clean your children and give them clean clothes. Now, they don’t have any conflict.”

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Categories: Education, Peacebuilding