Tag Archives: participatory development

“We would have left this place or died here, if IAM hadn’t come to rescue us” Afghanistan faces an acute internal displacement crisis as it suffers conflict, ongoing insecurity, and natural […]

“The kitchen garden course could save my children from dying,” says Zarmina*, who lives in a small village in the Central Highlands of Afghanistan. She is a beneficiary of IAM’s […]

When Zahra and her family were forced to leave their home because of conflict, they were worried about how they would make ends meet. When the Mazar Livelihoods and Development Project came to their community, Zahra was selected to be a teacher of embroidery for other women. Now, she is able to help her family and other people in her community. Get the full story here!

Composting latrines make a big difference in reducing transferable disease and providing soil nutrients in Afghanistan’s Central Highlands. Read more here!

Our work in water, sanitation and hygiene includes both courses and infrastructure. As we work, we get the whole community involved – children included! Read about how we do that here.