If you don’t want to use an external email client (we recommend you should) or you need to temporarily access your email account from another computer you can do it using your web browser by going to http://webmail.iam-afghanistan.org
You will see this page:
From here you can change forwarding or autoreply options, but you can also open webmail by clicking the link for one of the three webmail programs – Horde, RoundCure or SquirrelMail.
1. Horde looks like this:
2. RoundCube looks like this. RoundCube allows you to see which emails have attachments and the size of emails. It is probably the closest in appearance to a normal offline mail client and is therefore probably the easiest to use. But if you are on a slow internet connection this might be very slow – you could try one of the other clients if you experience this.
3. SquirrelMail looks like this: