Kabul Newspapers

روزنامه‌های ruznʌma-hʌ-jɛ newspaper-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
کابل kʌbʊl Kabul
یکشنبه jɛkʃanbɛ Sunday
ششم ʃaʃʊm-ɛ sixth-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
میزان mizʌn Mizan
قرار qarʌr establishment
است ast is
مراسم marʌsɛm-ɛ ceremony-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
تحلیف tahlif-ɛ swearing.in-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
رئیس rajis-ɛ boss-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جمهوری dʒamhur-i republic-NOMNominalizer. This turns a word into an abstract noun, like adding -ness or -y in English (“happy”→“happiness” or “modest”→“modesty”).
و wa and
رئیس rajis-ɛ boss-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
اجرایی ɛdʒrʌ-ji performance-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.” رئیس اجراییIn English this is typically translated ‘chief executive officer.’
دولت dawlat-ɛ government-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid-ɛ new-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
افغانستان afɣʌnɛstʌn Afghanistan
فردا fardʌ tomorrow
برگزار bar-gʊzʌr on-place برگزار شودThis means ‘take place (subj.).’
شود ʃaw-ad become-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
حدود hʊdud-ɛ approximately-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
۱۴۰۰ jak-hazʌr-o-tʃahʌr-sad one-thousand-and-four-hundred
مهمان mɛhmʌn-ɛ guest-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
داخلی dʌxɛl-i inside-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
و wa and
خارجی xʌrɛdʒ-i outside-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
در dar in
این in this
مراسم marʌsɛm ceremony
شرکت ʃɛrkat company شرکت کردنThis means ‘to participate.’
خواهند xwʌh-and will-3PThird person plural. In English this would be “they.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “they.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “their.”
داشت dʌʃt have.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)
مراسم marʌsɛm-ɛ ceremony-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
تحلیف tahlif swearing.in
و wa and
آغاز ʌɣʌz-ɛ beginning-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
کار kʌr-ɛ work-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
رئیس rajis-ɛ boss-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جمهوری dʒamhur-i-jɛ republic-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid new
احتمال ɛhtɛmʌl-ɛ probability-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امضای ɛmzʌ-jɛ signature-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
موافقت‌نامه mawʌfɛqat-nʌma-jɛ agreement-document-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امنیتی amnijat-i security-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
و wa and
ناامنی‌ها nʌ-aman-i-hʌ not-secure-NOMNominalizer. This turns a word into an abstract noun, like adding -ness or -y in English (“happy”→“happiness” or “modest”→“modesty”). -PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.
در dar in
ولایت wʊlʌjat-ɛ province-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
غزنی ɣazni-jɛ Ghazni-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
افغانستان afɣʌnɛstʌn Afghanistan
مهمترین mʊhɛm-tar-in important-COMPComparative. This turns “strong” into “stronger.”-SUPERSuperlative. This turns “strong” into “strongest.”
عناوین ɛnʌwin-ɛ titles-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. عناوینArabic plural of عنوان [ɛnwʌn].
مطالب matʌlɛb-ɛ topics-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. مطالبArabic plural of مطلب [matlab].
تحلیلی tahlil-i analysis-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
روزنامه‌های ruznʌma-hʌ-jɛ newspaper-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
ششم ʃaʃʊm-ɛ sixth-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
میزان mizʌn-ɛ Mizan-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
مهر mɛhr-ɛ Mehr-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. مهرThis is the Iranian name for the month of Mizan.
کابل kʌbʊl Kabul
است ast is
مراسم marʌsɛm-ɛ ceremony-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
تحلیف tahlif swearing.in
و wa and
آغاز ʌɣʌz-ɛ beginning-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
کار kʌr-ɛ work-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
دولت dawlat-ɛ government-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid new
روزنامه ruznʌma-jɛ newspaper-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
۸صبح haʃt-ɛ-sʊbh eight-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.-morning ۸صبحThis is the name of a newspaper.
می‌نویسد me-nɛwis-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-write-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
که ke that
فردا fardʌ tomorrow
روز ruz-ɛ day-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
مهمی mʊhɛm-e important-INDEFIndefinite. This changes “dog” into “a dog.”
در dar in
تاریخ tʌrix-ɛ date/history-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
سیاسی sijʌsi-jɛ political-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
این in this
کشور kɛʃwar country
است ast is
زیرا zerʌ because
قرار qarʌr establishment قرار استThis means ‘it is intended that...’ or ‘it is supposed to happen that...’
است ast is
برای barʌjɛ for
اولین awalin first
بار bʌr occasion
ارگ arg-ɛ Arg-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
ریاست‌جمهوری rijʌsat-dʒamhur-i presidency-republic-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
شاهد ʃʌhɛd-ɛ witness-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
انتقال ɛntɛqʌl-ɛ transfer-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
مسالمت‌آمیز mʊsʌlɛmat-ʌmiz-ɛ peacefulness-mix-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
قدرت qʊdrat power
باشد bʌʃ-ad be.SUBJ-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
۸صبح haʃt-ɛ-sʊbh eight-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.-morning
نوشته nɛwɛʃt-a write.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
که ke that
زمامداران zɛmʌm-dʌr-ʌn-ɛ rein-have-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. زمامدارAs suggested by the constituent parts, this means ‘the ones holding the reins,’ meaning the statesmen of the country.
کابل kʌbʊl Kabul
حداقل had-ɛ-aqal level-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.-least
در dar in
چهار tʃahʌr four
دهه daha-jɛ decade-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
اخیر axir recent
از az from
طریق tariq-ɛ method-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
کاربرد kʌr-bʊrd-ɛ work-carry.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. کاربردThis means ‘application.’
زور zur force
از az from
سوی su-jɛ direction-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
مخالفان‌شان mʊxʌlɛf-ʌn-ɛʃʌn opposition-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-3PThird person plural. In English this would be “they.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “they.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “their.”
مجبور madʒbur obliged
به ba to
ترک tark-ɛ abandoning-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
ارگ arg Arg
شده‌اند ʃʊd-a-ʔand become.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.-3PThird person plural. In English this would be “they.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “they.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “their.”
اما amʌ but
فردا fardʌ tomorrow
قرار qarʌr establishment
است ast is
بدون bɛdun-ɛ outside.of-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
اعمال ɛmʌl-ɛ use-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
زور zur force
آقای ʌqʌ-jɛ Mr.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
کرزی karzaj Karzai
قدرت qʊdrat power
را DEFDefinite direct object. This marker is placed after a direct object (i.e., the thing that receives the action of the verb) that is something definite, somewhat like the difference betweeen English “the apple” instead of “an apple.”
به ba to
دولت dawlat-ɛ government-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
وحدت wahdat-ɛ unity-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
ملی mɛli national
واگذار wʌgʊzʌr transfer
کند kʊn-ad do-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
و wa and
بازنشسته bʌznɛʃasta retired
شود ʃaw-ad become-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
روزنامه ruznʌma-jɛ newspaper-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
افغانستان afɣʌnɛstʌn Afghanistan افغانستانThis is the name of a newspaper.
می‌نویسد me-nɛwis-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-write-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
که ke that
تحلیف tahlif-ɛ swearing.in-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
ریاست rijʌsat-ɛ presidency-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جمهوری dʒamhur-i republic-NOMNominalizer. This turns a word into an abstract noun, like adding -ness or -y in English (“happy”→“happiness” or “modest”→“modesty”).
جنجال‌های dʒaŋdʒʌl-hʌ-jɛ fight-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
انتخاباتی ɛntɛxʌb-ʌt-i election-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
را DEFDefinite direct object. This marker is placed after a direct object (i.e., the thing that receives the action of the verb) that is something definite, somewhat like the difference betweeen English “the apple” instead of “an apple.”
به ba to
پایان pʌjʌn end
می‌برد me-bar-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-carry-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
و wa and
دیگر digar other
از az from
تیم‌سازی‌ها tim-sʌz-i-hʌ team-making-NOMNominalizer. This turns a word into an abstract noun, like adding -ness or -y in English (“happy”→“happiness” or “modest”→“modesty”). -PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.
خبری xabar-i news-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
نخواهد na-xwʌh-ad NEGNegative. This makes a verb negative, like not in English, “I am not going.”-will-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
بود bud be.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)
و wa and
تمام tamʌm-ɛ all-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
این in this
تیم‌ها tim-hʌ team-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.
باید bʌjad must
یکجا jak-dʒʌ one-place
دولت dawlat-ɛ government-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
افغانستان afɣʌnɛstʌn Afghanistan
را DEFDefinite direct object. This marker is placed after a direct object (i.e., the thing that receives the action of the verb) that is something definite, somewhat like the difference betweeen English “the apple” instead of “an apple.”
بسازند bɛ-sʌz-and SUBJSubjunctive. This prefix attaches to the present tense stem of the verb and turns it into a subjunctive.-making-3PThird person plural. In English this would be “they.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “they.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “their.”
افغانستان afɣʌnɛstʌn Afghanistan
نوشته nɛwɛʃt-a write.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
که ke that
حکومت hʊkumat-ɛ government-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid new
با with
مشکلات mʊʃkɛl-ʌt-ɛ difficulty-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
بیشتری beʃ-tar-e more-COMPComparative. This turns “strong” into “stronger.”-INDEFIndefinite. This changes “dog” into “a dog.”
روبرو ru-ba-ru face-to-face
است ast is
و wa and
نیاز nijʌz need
است ast is
تا until
دولتمردان dawlat-mard-ʌn-ɛ government-man-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid new
برای barʌjɛ for
تحکیم tahkim-ɛ strengthening-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
قدرت qʊdrat-ɛ power-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
دولت dawlat government
و wa and
مبارزه mʊbʌrɛza struggle
با with
مشکلات mʊʃkɛl-ʌt difficulty-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.
و wa and
چالش‌ها tʃʌlɛʃ-hʌ challenge-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something. چالشThis is a borrowing from English.
تلاش talʌʃ attempt
کنند kʊn-and do-3PThird person plural. In English this would be “they.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “they.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “their.”
روزنامه ruznʌma-jɛ newspaper-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
سخن sʊxan-ɛ speech-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid new
نیز niz also
می‌نویسد me-nɛwis-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-write-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
که ke that
فردا fardʌ tomorrow
پس pas after
از az from
تحلیف tahlif swearing.in
دوره dawra-jɛ time-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
عملی amal-i action-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
کردن kard-an-ɛ do.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-INFInfinitive. This suffix attaches to the past tense stem to make an infinitive, like English to in “to run” or “to swim.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
وعده‌های wada-hʌ-jɛ promise-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
رئیس rajis-ɛ boss-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جمهوری dʒamhur-i republic-NOMNominalizer. This turns a word into an abstract noun, like adding -ness or -y in English (“happy”→“happiness” or “modest”→“modesty”).
آغاز ʌɣʌz beginning
می‌شود me-ʃaw-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-become-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
سخن sʊxan-ɛ speech-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid-ɛ new-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
نوشته nɛwɛʃt-a write.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
که ke that
رئیس rajis-ɛ boss-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جمهوری dʒamhur-i-jɛ republic-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid new
نباید na-bʌjad not-must
وعده‌هایش wada-hʌ-jɛʃ promise-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-3SG
را DEFDefinite direct object. This marker is placed after a direct object (i.e., the thing that receives the action of the verb) that is something definite, somewhat like the difference betweeen English “the apple” instead of “an apple.”
فراموش farʌmuʃ forget
کند kʊn-ad do-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
و wa and
باید bʌjad must
آنها ʌnhʌ 3P.PRON
را DEFDefinite direct object. This marker is placed after a direct object (i.e., the thing that receives the action of the verb) that is something definite, somewhat like the difference betweeen English “the apple” instead of “an apple.”
جدی dʒɛdi serious
گرفته gɛrɛft-a take.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
و wa and
عملی amal-i action-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
کند kʊn-ad do-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
چراغ tʃɛrʌɣ-ɛ light-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
سبز sabz green
برای barʌjɛ for
امضای ɛmzʌ-jɛ signature-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
موافقت‌نامه mawʌfɛqat-nʌma-jɛ agreement-document-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امنیتی amnijat-i security-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
روزنامه ruznʌma-jɛ newspaper-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
اطلاعات ɛtlʌʔʌt-ɛ information-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. اطلاعات روزThis is the name of a newspaper.
روز ruz day
می‌نویسد me-nɛwis-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-write-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
که ke that
رئیس rajis-ɛ boss-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جمهوری dʒamhur-i-jɛ republic-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid-ɛ new-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
گفته gʊft-a say.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
که ke that
در dar in
فردای fardʌ-jɛ tomorrow-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. فردای روز تحلیفThis phrase means ‘tomorrow's swearing-in ceremony.’
روز ruz-ɛ day-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
تحلیف tahlif swearing.in
موافقت‌نامه mawʌfɛqat-nʌma-jɛ agreement-document-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امنیتی amnijat-i-jɛ security-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
افغانستان afɣʌnɛstʌn Afghanistan
و wa and
آمریکا ʌmrikʌ America
را DEFDefinite direct object. This marker is placed after a direct object (i.e., the thing that receives the action of the verb) that is something definite, somewhat like the difference betweeen English “the apple” instead of “an apple.”
امضا ɛmzʌ signature
خواهد xwʌh-ad will-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
کرد kard do.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)
اطلاعات ɛtlʌʔʌt-ɛ information-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
روز ruz day
نوشته nɛwɛʃt-a write.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
که ke that
امضای ɛmzʌ-jɛ signature-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
موافقت‌نامه mawʌfɛqat-nʌma-jɛ agreement-document-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امنیتی amnijat-i security-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
با with
آمریکا ʌmrikʌ America
و wa and
ناتو nʌto NATO
در dar in
دو du two
سال sʌl-ɛ year-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
گذشته gʊzaʃt-a pass.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
به ba to
یک jɛk one
روند rawand-ɛ procedure-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جنجالی dʒaŋgdʒʌl-i fight-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
خسته‌کننده xastakʊnɛnda tiresome
و wa and
طولانی tulʌni long
تبدیل tabdil change
شده ʃʊd-a become.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
است ast is
اطلاعات ɛtlʌʔʌt-ɛ information-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
روز ruz day
افزوده afzud-a add.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
که ke that
رئیس rajis-ɛ boss-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جمهور dʒamhur-ɛ republic-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
غنی ɣani Ghani
می‌داند me-dʌn-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-know-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
که ke that
دولتش dawlat-ɛʃ government-3SG
به ba to
کمک‌های kʊmak-hʌ-jɛ help-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
نظامی nɛzʌm-i military/system-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
مالی mʌl-i property-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
و wa and
اقتصادی ɛqtɛsʌd-i-jɛ economy-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
آمریکا ʌmrikʌ America
ضرورت zarurat-ɛ necessity-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدی dʒɛdi serious
دارد dʌr-ad have-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
و wa and
امضای ɛmzʌ-jɛ signature-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
موافقت‌نامه mawʌfɛqat-nʌma agreement-document
با with
آمریکا ʌmrikʌ America
لازمه lʌzɛma-jɛ requisite-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
اصلی asl-i-jɛ origin-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
دوام dawʌm-ɛ continuation-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
کمک‌ها‌ست kʊmak-hʌ-st help-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-is
به ba to
باور bʌwar-ɛ belief-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
نویسنده nɛwisɛnda-jɛ writer-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
اطلاعات ɛtlʌʔʌt-ɛ information-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
روز ruz day
امضای ɛmzʌ-jɛ signature-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
موافقت‌نامه mawʌfɛqat-nʌma-jɛ agreement-document-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امنیتی amnijat-i security-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
چراغ tʃɛrʌɣ light
سبزی sabz-e green-INDEFIndefinite. This changes “dog” into “a dog.”
است ast is
به ba to
این in this
معنا manʌ meaning
که ke that
دولت dawlat-ɛ government-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid-ɛ new-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
افغانستان afɣʌnɛstʌn Afghanistan
می‌خواهد me-xwʌh-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-want-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
رابطه rʌbɛta-jɛ relation-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
گرم garm warm
محکم mahkam firm
و wa and
همکاری‌های ham-kʌr-i-hʌ-jɛ also-work-NOMNominalizer. This turns a word into an abstract noun, like adding -ness or -y in English (“happy”→“happiness” or “modest”→“modesty”). -PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
نزدیک nazdik near
با with
ایالات ijʌlʌt-ɛ states-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
متحده mʊtɛhɛda-jɛ united-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
آمریکا ʌmrikʌ America
داشته dʌʃt-a have.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
باشد bʌʃ-ad be.SUBJ-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
روزنامه ruznʌma-jɛ newspaper-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
افغانستان afɣʌnɛstʌn Afghanistan
نیز niz also
می‌نویسد me-nɛwis-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-write-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
که ke that
امضای ɛmzʌ-jɛ signature-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
موافقت‌نامه mawʌfɛqat-nʌma-jɛ agreement-document-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امنیتی amnijat-i security-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
باید bʌjad must
از az from
اولویت‌های awlawijat-hʌ-jɛ priority-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
کاری kʌr-i-jɛ work-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
رئیس rajis-ɛ boss-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جمهوری dʒamhur-i-jɛ republic-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid new
باشد bʌʃ-ad be.SUBJ-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
افغانستان afɣʌnɛstʌn Afghanistan
نوشته nɛwɛʃt-a write.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
که ke that
حضور hʊzur-ɛ presence-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جامعه dʒʌmɛʔa-jɛ society-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جهانی dʒahʌn-i world-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
در dar in
افغانستان afɣʌnɛstʌn Afghanistan
و wa and
قانونمند qʌnun-mand law-having
شدن ʃʊd-an-ɛ become.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-INFInfinitive. This suffix attaches to the past tense stem to make an infinitive, like English to in “to run” or “to swim.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
حضور hʊzur-ɛ presence-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
نظامی nɛzʌm-i-jɛ military/system-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
خارجی xʌrɛdʒ-i outside-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
می‌تواند me-tawʌn-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-able-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
بر bar on
امنیت amnijat-ɛ security-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
کشور kɛʃwar country
تاثیر tasir-ɛ influence-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. تاثیرThe proper spelling of this word is تأثیر, which explains why the ا in the middle of the word makes the [a] sound.
مهمی mʊhɛm-e important-INDEFIndefinite. This changes “dog” into “a dog.”
داشته dʌʃt-a have.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
باشد bʌʃ-ad be.SUBJ-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
و wa and
به ba to
تبع tabʔ-ɛ publication-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
آن ʌn that
امنیت amnijat security
تاثیر tasir-ɛ influence-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
مثبتی mʊsbat-e positive-INDEFIndefinite. This changes “dog” into “a dog.”
بر bar on
اقتصاد ɛqtɛsʌd economy
و wa and
ورود wʊrud-ɛ inflow-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
سرمایه sarmʌja capital
و wa and
پول pul money
به ba to
کشور kɛʃwar country
خواهد xwʌh-ad will-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
گذاشت gʊzʌʃt place.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)
روزنامه ruznʌma-jɛ newspaper-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
آرمان ʌrmʌn-ɛ Ideal-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. آرمان ملیThis is the name of the newspaper.
ملی mɛli national
نیز niz also
می‌نویسد me-nɛwis-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-write-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
که ke that
رئیس rajis-ɛ boss-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جمهوری dʒamhur-i-jɛ republic-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid new
باید bʌjad must
بی‌درنگ be-darang without-delay بی‌درنگThe more specific meaning here is ‘without making petty excuses’. A more frequent Dari expression is بیچون و چرا [be-tʃun-o-tʃɛrʌ].
موافقت‌نامه mawʌfɛqat-nʌma-jɛ agreement-document-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امنیتی amnijat-i security-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
را DEFDefinite direct object. This marker is placed after a direct object (i.e., the thing that receives the action of the verb) that is something definite, somewhat like the difference betweeen English “the apple” instead of “an apple.”
با with
آمریکا ʌmrikʌ America
امضا ɛmzʌ signature
کند kʊn-ad do-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
آرمان ʌrmʌn-ɛ Ideal-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
ملی mɛli national
نوشته nɛwɛʃt-a write.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
که ke that
برای barʌjɛ for
بازسازی bʌz-sʌz-i open/again-making-NOMNominalizer. This turns a word into an abstract noun, like adding -ness or -y in English (“happy”→“happiness” or “modest”→“modesty”).
و wa and
بهبود bɛhbud-ɛ well.being-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
وضعیت wazijat-ɛ situation-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
کشور kɛʃwar country
باید bʌjad must
امنیت amnijat security
در dar in
کشور kɛʃwar country
تامین tamin securing تامینThis means ‘to secure’ in the sense of ‘to provide for.’تامینThe proper spelling of this word is تأمین, which explains why the ا in the middle of the word makes the [a] sound.
شود ʃaw-ad become-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
و wa and
برای barʌjɛ for
تامین tamin-ɛ securing-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. تامینThe proper spelling of this word is تأمین, which explains why the ا in the middle of the word makes the [a] sound.
امنیت amnijat security
باید bʌjad must
نیروهای niru-hʌ-jɛ force-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امنیتی amnijat-i security-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
تجهیز tadʒhiz equipment تجهیز و تقویت شدنThe idea here is that there is a need for auxilliary support.
و wa and
تقویت taqwijat strengthening
شود ʃaw-ad become-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
و wa and
تجهیز tadʒhiz equipment
و wa and
تقویت taqwijat-ɛ strengthening-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
نیروهای niru-hʌ-jɛ force-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امنیتی amnijat-i security-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
ارتباط ɛrtɛbʌt-ɛ relation-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
مستقیم mʊstaqim direct
با with
امضای ɛmzʌ-jɛ signature-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
موافقت‌نامه mawʌfɛqat-nʌma-jɛ agreement-document-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امنیتی amnijat-i-jɛ security-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
افغانستان afɣʌnɛstʌn Afghanistan
و wa and
آمریکا ʌmrikʌ America
دارد dʌr-ad have-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
ناامنی‌ها nʌ-aman-i-hʌ not-secure-NOMNominalizer. This turns a word into an abstract noun, like adding -ness or -y in English (“happy”→“happiness” or “modest”→“modesty”). -PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.
در dar in
غزنی ɣazni Ghazni
روزنامه ruznʌma-jɛ newspaper-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
صدای sadʌ-jɛ voice-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. صدای شهروندThis is the name of a newspaper.
شهروند ʃahrwand citizen
می‌نویسد me-nɛwis-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-write-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
که ke that
در dar in
ماه‌های mʌ-hʌ-jɛ month-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
اخیر axir recent
وضعیت wazijat-ɛ situation-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امنیتی amnijat-i security-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
در dar in
ولایت wʊlʌjat-ɛ province-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
غزنی ɣazni Ghazni
بسیار bɛsjʌr very
وخیم waxim serious
شده ʃʊd-a become.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
است ast is
و wa and
این in this
ولایت wʊlʌjat province
در dar in
ماه mʌh-ɛ month-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
اخیر axir recent
با with
موجی mawdʒ-e wave-INDEFIndefinite. This changes “dog” into “a dog.”
از az from
حملات hamal-ʌt-ɛ attack-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
مخالفان mʊxʌlɛf-ʌn-ɛ opposition-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
دولت dawlat government
رو ru face
به ba to
رو ru face
شده ʃʊd-a become.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
است ast is
صدای sadʌ-jɛ voice-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
شهروند ʃahrwand citizen
نوشته nɛwɛʃt-a write.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
که ke that
این in this
ناامنی‌ها nʌ-aman-i-hʌ not-secure-NOMNominalizer. This turns a word into an abstract noun, like adding -ness or -y in English (“happy”→“happiness” or “modest”→“modesty”). -PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.
مردم mardʊm-ɛ people-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
این in this
ولایت wʊlʌjat province
را DEFDefinite direct object. This marker is placed after a direct object (i.e., the thing that receives the action of the verb) that is something definite, somewhat like the difference betweeen English “the apple” instead of “an apple.”
بسیار bɛsjʌr very
نگران nɛgarʌn anxious
ساخته sʌxt-a make.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
است ast is
صدای sadʌ-jɛ voice-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
شهروند ʃahrwand citizen
برای barʌjɛ for
مهار mahʌr blocking
نشدن na-ʃʊd-an-ɛ NEGNegative. This makes a verb negative, like not in English, “I am not going.”-become.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-INFInfinitive. This suffix attaches to the past tense stem to make an infinitive, like English to in “to run” or “to swim.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
این in this
حملات hamal-ʌt attack-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.
از az from
مسئولان masul-ʌn-ɛ responsible-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
ولایتی wʊlʌjat-i province-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”
انتقاد ɛntɛqʌd criticism
کرده kard-a do.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
و wa and
نمایندگان nɛmʌjɛnda-gʌn-ɛ representative-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
این in this
ولایت wʊlʌjat province
در dar in
شورای ʃurʌ-jɛ shura-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
ملی mɛli national
را DEFDefinite direct object. This marker is placed after a direct object (i.e., the thing that receives the action of the verb) that is something definite, somewhat like the difference betweeen English “the apple” instead of “an apple.”
نیز niz also
مقصر mʊqasɛr guilty مقصر دانستنThis means ‘to blame’.
دانسته dʌnɛst-a know.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
است ast is
صدای sadʌ-jɛ voice-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
شهروند ʃahrwand citizen
به ba to
تاکید takid emphasis
از az from
نهادهای nɛhʌd-hʌ-jɛ organization-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امنیتی amnijat-i-jɛ security-ADJAdjectivizer. This turns a noun into an adjective. This isn't used much in English but we do have -ous in “joy”→“joyous” or -al in “foundation”→“foundational.”-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
افغانستان afɣʌnɛstʌn Afghanistan
خواسته xwʌst-a want.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
که ke that
ناامنی nʌ-aman-i not-secure-NOMNominalizer. This turns a word into an abstract noun, like adding -ness or -y in English (“happy”→“happiness” or “modest”→“modesty”).
در dar in
این in this
ولایت wʊlʌjat province
را DEFDefinite direct object. This marker is placed after a direct object (i.e., the thing that receives the action of the verb) that is something definite, somewhat like the difference betweeen English “the apple” instead of “an apple.”
جدی dʒɛdi serious
گرفته gɛrɛft-a take.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
و wa and
هر har every
چه tʃe what
زودتر zud-tar fast-COMPComparative. This turns “strong” into “stronger.”
برای barʌjɛ for
پاکسازی pʌk-sʌz-i-jɛ clean-make-NOMNominalizer. This turns a word into an abstract noun, like adding -ness or -y in English (“happy”→“happiness” or “modest”→“modesty”). -EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
این in this
ولایت wʊlʌjat province
از az from
مخالفان mʊxʌlɛf-ʌn opposition-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.
دست dast hand دست به کار شدنThis means ‘to set to work.’
به ba to
کار kʌr work
شوند ʃaw-and become-3PThird person plural. In English this would be “they.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “they.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “their.”
روزنامه ruznʌma-jɛ newspaper-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
ماندگار mʌndɛgʌr long.lasting
نیز niz also
از az from
سیاست sijʌsat-ɛ politics-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. سیاستThis word means either ‘politics’ or ‘policy.’ See the same usage in the next line as well.
دولت dawlat-ɛ government-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
آقای ʌqʌ-jɛ Mr.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
کرزی karzaj Karzai
در dar in
مقابل mʊqʌbɛl-ɛ opposition-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
طالبان tʌlɛbʌn Taliban
انتقاد ɛntɛqʌd criticism
کرده kard-a do.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
و wa and
می‌نویسد me-nɛwis-ad CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-write-3SThird person singular. In English this would be either “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “he,” “she,” or “it.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “his,” “her,” or “its.”
که ke that
قوت qʊwat-ɛ strength-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
امروز ɛmruz-ɛ today-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
گروه‌های gʊru-hʌ-jɛ group-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
مخالف mʊxʌlɛf opposition
نتیجه natidʒa-jɛ result-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
مدارا madʌrʌ toleration
با with
آنهاست ʌn-hʌ-st that-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-is
ماندگار mʌndɛgʌr long.lasting
نوشته nɛwɛʃt-a write.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-PARTThis turns the past stem into a participle.
از az from
دولت dawlat government
و wa and
حکومت hʊkumat-ɛ government-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
آینده ʌjɛnda future
به ba to
رهبری rahbar-i-jɛ leader-NOMNominalizer. This turns a word into an abstract noun, like adding -ness or -y in English (“happy”→“happiness” or “modest”→“modesty”). -EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
اشرف aʃraf Ashraf
غنی ɣani Ghani
احمدزی ahmadzaj Ahmadzai
و wa and
داکتر dʌktar doctor
عبدالله abdʊlʌ Abdullah
عبدالله abdʊlʌ Abdullah
انتظار ɛntɛzʌr waiting
داریم dʌr-em have-1PFirst person plural. In English this would be either “we” or “us.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “we.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “our.”
و wa and
می‌خواهیم me-xwʌh-em CONTContinuous. This is the می [me] prefix that occurs in the simple present tense, and the past continuous tense.-want-1PFirst person plural. In English this would be either “we” or “us.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “we.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “our.”
که ke that
از az from
سیاست sijʌsat-ɛ politics-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
ناکام nʌkʌm-ɛ unsuccessful-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
نرمش narm-ɛʃ smooth-3SG
با with
طالبان tʌlɛbʌn Taliban
درس dars lesson
بگیرند bɛ-gir-and SUBJSubjunctive. This prefix attaches to the present tense stem of the verb and turns it into a subjunctive.-take-3PThird person plural. In English this would be “they.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “they.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “their.”
و wa and
یک jɛk one
برنامه barnʌma-jɛ program-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
جدید dʒadid new
و wa and
قاطع qʌtɛ decisive
برای barʌjɛ for
مهار mahʌr-ɛ blocking-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives.
خشونت‌ها xʊʃunat-hʌ violence-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.
و wa and
سرکوب sar-kub-ɛ head-pound.PSTThis identifies the past stem of the verb. (The past stem is used to form past tenses, but also participles.)-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. سرکوبThe verb here is کوفتن [kofta] (also kobidan [kobidan]), which also gives us [kofta kɛbʌb]. This word means ‘to beat someone down.’
جنگجویان dʒang-dʒu-jʌn-ɛ war-search-PLThe plural marker is used when there is more than one of something.-EZThe ezafa marker is a marker that is used to join together nouns and adjectives. جنگجویانThat is, ‘war-seekers.’
طالب tʌlɛb Talib
تدوین tadwin preparation
کنند kʊn-and do-3PThird person plural. In English this would be “they.” When this occurs at the end of a verb, it is showing that the subject of the verb is “they.” When this occurs on a noun, it means “their.”