Daughters to start school

This article is available for historical purposes and may be out of date.

The Importance of Learning to Read and Write

On several occasions, different fathers of students in our classes said they never realized the importance of being able to read and write.

They had all hesitated when asked if their daughters could attend the classes. They first thought it would be a waste of time and achieve nothing. Since the daughters started the classes they had become different girls. Before they were sad, miserable, lethargic and had no interest in anything. Now they are alert, confident, happy and always smiling. Their fathers were so pleased with the change in their daughters that they changed their minds about the value of literacy. They decided they would send their younger daughters to school.

Another female student began to teach her five-year-old daughter; it was often some of the letters and words she had herself only just learnt in the class. One day she brought the child to class. She was amazed at the interest the child took in the lesson and the ability she showed. Even though no one else in the family could read and write, the mother said that she would make sure her daughter learned.

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